As well as being a great gym-management and member management software, ClubMananger works with a wide ride of professional services providers.
We are proud to introduce to you and recommend our preferred providers to you.
Connect to a range of services providers to meet your business needs. Book a time with one of our Business Consultants
Take your gym fitness club to the next level. Find out what might be the vital piece missing from your operation and take control over it! Book in a time and we can give you a call.
See all our business help resources below.
Imagine if changing one small thing in your business could make you thousands extra per year; would you want to hear about it?
We are happy to refer you to the following companies. All have been identified as offering premium services based on price, security, client services and quality integration.
Let us know if you’d like us to introduce you to a better solution.
Kapow TV offer a large range of pre-made promotional videos for your gym/club and offer custom created videos JUST FOR YOU! All these promo videos are FACEBOOK/INSTAGRAM marketing ready and can be embedded straight into your website.
Ever wanted a website just like this one? Our website at ClubManager was built by the awesome team at Kapow Website Design.
Also check out our two most recent builds - ShadowboxHQ and Team Sparta, Click the images to the right to see what your site could look like!
If you are in need of a new website or an upgrade from your old website, check out Kapow Website Design. Not only can they design a custom website for you but they also have a range of pre-made and pre-populated websites that could suit you.
Their personalised website software is super easy to use and can integrate all of ClubManager's features. All website are built to optimise SEO Google capabilities for greater search rankings
It doesn’t matter what type of business genre you operate whether its gyms, fitness studios, yoga/pilates, gymnastics, swim, golf centre or martial arts, knowing you have the right insurance in place will give you the peace of mind that your business is adequately protected at all times, for all needs.
We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help.
All Rights Reserved | ClubManager Software Australia | Site Created & Managed by Kapow Website Design